What is patches sewing by hand?

Sewing patches by hand is a practical skill that allows you to repair or embellish clothing and accessories effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to sew patches onto fabric by hand:

Materials Needed:

  1. Patch: Choose a fabric patch that matches the color and weight of the garment or accessory you’re sewing it onto.

  2. Thread: Select a thread color that matches the patch or fabric. For a durable hold, use a thread that is strong enough to withstand wear.

  3. Needle: Use a needle appropriate for the fabric and patch size. A sharp needle with a small eye is ideal for sewing patches.

  4. Pins: Use pins to temporarily secure the patch in place while sewing.

  5. Scissors: Sharp scissors for cutting thread and trimming excess fabric.

Steps to Sew Patches by Hand:

  1. Prepare the Patch and Garment:

    • Place the patch on the garment where you want it to be sewn. Use pins to secure it in place if necessary.
    • Ensure the patch is positioned evenly and securely before sewing.
  2. Thread the Needle:

    • Cut a length of thread (about 18-24 inches) and thread it through the needle. Knot the end of the thread securely.
  3. Start Sewing:

    • Begin sewing from the backside of the garment (inside out) to hide the knot. Bring the needle up through the fabric and the edge of the patch.
  4. Sew Around the Edge:

    • Use a small running stitch, whip stitch, or backstitch to sew around the edge of the patch. Ensure your stitches catch both the patch and the garment fabric to secure the patch firmly.
  5. Continue Stitching:

    • Sew all around the patch, maintaining even stitches and keeping the thread tension consistent. For added durability, you can stitch around the patch multiple times.
  6. Finish the Stitching:

    • Knot the thread securely on the backside of the garment after sewing all around the patch. Trim any excess thread.
  7. Press (if needed):

    • Optionally, press the patch and surrounding area with an iron on a low heat setting to flatten and blend the patch into the fabric.

Tips for Sewing Patches:

  • Choose the Right Stitch: Depending on the patch and garment fabric, select a stitch that is both secure and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Secure Knots: Knot the thread securely at the beginning and end of stitching to prevent unraveling.

  • Practice Patience: Take your time with each stitch to ensure neat and professional-looking results.

Sewing patches by hand allows you to personalize your clothing and repair garments with a unique touch. With practice, you can develop your technique and confidently sew patches onto various fabrics and items.